As a media company, ProSiebenSat.1 is not part of one of the manufacturing industries that use large quantities of energy and resources and have complex, global supply chains. We therefore consider the environmental impact of our business activities to be very limited and for this reason, we currently have not identified environmental matters as a key non-financial aspect in accordance with section 289c (3) HGB. However, we can help slow down climate change and conserve our environment by using resources carefully, for example by increasing energy efficiency and reducing our activities’ CO2 emissions by means of targeted measures. We publish detailed information on our ecological responsibility and the topics of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste disposal, and mobility in ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s Sustainability Report each year.

ProSiebenSat.1 does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of gender, race or ethnic background, age, religion or ideology, sexual orientation, or disability. We especially condemn every kind of sexual violence and abuse of power within our business relations. The Company’s internal Code of Conduct stipulates appropriate regulations and describes a reporting system when violations occur. The broadcasting group promotes inclusion in their program, for example with the TV magazine “Challenge”. This project by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Behinderung und Medien e. V. provides insights into the lives of people with disabilities.

ProSiebenSat.1 is aware of its responsibility for the content it distributes and is reporting more detailed about this topic in the section Product Responsibility. In the present NFS we forego further information about preventing human rights abuses such as combating child and forced or compulsory labor as well as assessing suppliers in the media industry in terms of their compliance with human rights. On the basis of our value chain and its potential impacts on our business activities we do not consider respect for human rights as a significant non-financial aspect.

Compliance is part of corporate governance. It refers to compliance with laws, directives, and voluntary codes within the company.